Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Christian Life

The Christian life begins with faith in God through believing in Jesus Christ, God's only begotten son, and progresses as one applies God's ways and truths to their own lives.

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Bible Teachings on Christian Life

Finding a church that is right for you and your family is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance,...

Life is a never-ending series of choices. Can we know whether we are making the right decisions? I have good news -- God wants to speak to us, and...

These selected inspiring Bible verses remind us of God's relationship with us, his plans for us and his mighty power. God offers us the only true way...

Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don't have. Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless; it is like chasing the wind. ...

The difficulties of life often cloud our vision and keep us from praising God. What can we do to restore a heart-attitude of praise?

All Bible Teachings on Christian Life

Questions about Christian Life

Accepting Christ is the first step and a huge one! Not everyone has the same experience when they make the decision to follow Jesus, but all who...

Pat Robertson gives solid tips to help you figure out if something is sinful or not.

The Christian's decision to avoid or participate in Halloween should be based on accurate information.

Characterized by an unforgiving spirit and generally negative, critical attitudes, bitterness and resentment are sinful and self-defeating. They...

God desires complete honesty from His people. Any form of stealing should be forsaken as not worthy of God's children.

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Devotionals about Christian Life

In a world of busyness and distraction, it's easy to lose sight of what's important. Jesus reminds us to sit at His feet and listen, as Mary did. In...

Taking a trip away with friends can bring such joy—connecting with each other and a spiritual focus on God makes the trip even better. The author of...

God’s Word consistently warns us against idolatry, but in our culture, idolatry might be more difficult to recognize. We are likely not worshipping...

Through faith, perseverance, and courage, you can navigate life's challenges with hope and resilience. Whether facing setbacks, uncertainties, or...

This impressive young man had made many right choices in his life and he was obviously from a successful, affluent family. Despite all that he was...

All Devotionals on Christian Life

Videos about Christian Life

Despite setbacks like job loss, divorce, and financial struggles, Esteban not only overcame adversity and $25,000 of debt, but he also experienced...

Kent and Jessica were married for six months when Jessica’s newfound faith altered their course and changed everything, especially their finances....

Kelly worked two jobs but was still $52,000 in debt. In desperation, she asked God for help, and He asked her for a step of faith. Are you waiting...

Newlyweds Ronald and Stephanie were living beyond their means—and the result was $145,000 of debt! They had no solution, but God did. Watch how the...

Missionary Heidi Baker is live on the 700 Club to bring awareness of the impact Iris Global is having on persecuted Christians around the world and...

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Articles on Christian Life

If we believe that we are made in God’s image, that of a multi-faceted God, then our differences display His majesty and glory all the more.

From the streets of Chicago to a relationship with God, Preston Perry shares how God pursued and revealed the truth of the Bible to him. In his book...

Giving generously means loving generously, and the giving part doesn’t always refer to our financial gifts. Loving this way means giving more of...

In your new life in Christ, you’re actively surrendering your old desires so that you can experience the abundant life that Jesus has for you! The...

Gentleness is soothing, welcoming, and a sign of humility. We see the greatest example of this in Scripture from Jesus. In Matthew 11:28-29, Jesus...

All Articles on Christian Life
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